16 May Assays Significantly Extend Cu-Ag Mineralisation in Botswana
The initial set of assay results from Cobre Limited’s (ASX:BE) recently completed 5,120m diamond drill campaign at the Ngami Copper Project (NCP) have returned several significant copper-silver (Cu-Ag) intersections into new and developing targets, demonstrating the scale of the mineralised system which appears to be extensively developed on both the southern limb of the anticline opposite the Comet Target and along strike to the northeast of Comet.
Noting these are wide-spaced exploration holes into new and developing targets, intersection results include:
• NCP40: 26.0m @ 0.4% Cu, including 1.2m @ 1.1% Cu, from 272 to 298m downhole (Interstellar Target);
• NCP38: 9.6m @ 0.6% Cu & 9 g/t Ag, including 0.25m @ 5.7% Cu & 39 g/t Ag, from 263 to 272.6m downhole (Interstellar Target); and
• NCP42: 14.9m @ 0.5% Cu & 13 g/t Ag from 142.5 to 157.4m downhole (Cosmos Target).
Results demonstrate that the anomalous Cu-Ag background mineralisation, on the southern anticline at NCP, extends over a much greater area (several tens of kilometres) than initially anticipated on both limbs. The extensive strike of anomalous Cu-Ag mineralisation underscores the potential for multiple structurally controlled high-grade zones, including the drill-tested zone at the Comet Target.
The presence of larger structural trap-sites where Cu-Ag mineralisation may be upgraded is further supported by a drill section completed across the Helios Target, which has confirmed the interpretation of extensive macro-parasitic folding of the south limb of the anticline. Samples for the remainder of the drill programme, including results over the Comet and Asteroid Targets, are currently being processed with results pending.