Okavango Project

Okavango Copper Project

Strategic Drilling with the Potential for Near-Term Discoveries

The Okavango Copper Project (OCP) covers 1,363km2 of prospective Kalahari Copper Belt (KCB) stratigraphy located immediately northwest of MMG Limited’s (MMG) Zone 5 production hub and surrounding deposits.

Key Facts
  • Along strike from neighbour MMG’s Zone 5 group (166Mt @ 2.0% Cu & 26 g/t Ag) and Boseto group (126Mt @ 1.3% Cu & 17 g/t Ag) of deposits;
  • Elevated copper intersected in 2019 drill programme
  • Targeting traditional copper-silver mineralisation on the steeply dipping anticline limbs as well as fold related mineralisation.

Ongoing diamond drilling at Okavango

Okavango Copper Project Timeline


  • Ongoing diamond drill programme tests multiple contacts for evidence of copper-silver mineralisation along strike from known deposits
  • Ground gravity infill survey highlights several interpreted intrabasinal highs and sub-basins with similar geometry to the Zone 5 area.



  • Six holes totalling 1,656m of diamond drilling consistently intersects the prospective Ngwako Pan / D’Kar Formation contact



  • 2,369km of regional and detailed AEM data successfully maps conductive units in the lower D’Kar Formation providing a direct means for targeting the underlying contact.
  • 16,700km of high resolution magnetic data collected provides the necessary base layer to assist with target generation



  • 13,281 soil samples collected and analysis with Terraleach Partial digest

OCP locality on lithological interpretation. Target copper-silver mineralised contact along strike from known deposits highlighted with planned diamond holes (green) and historical drilling (red) illustrated.